Speaker Details

Daniël Kan Royal NLR – Netherlands Aerospace Centre

Daniël Kan

Daniël has a background in industrial ecology, a systemic approach integrating technical, environmental and social aspects to evaluate sustainability solutions and their implementation. He has a degree in political science. Daniël worked for the solar PV industry before moving to sustainability metrics for business. He has helped businesses in a range of sectors to quantify the environmental impact of their company, products, services or investments, using lifecycle assessment. At Royal NLR – Netherlands Aerospace Centre, his main focus is on quantifying environmental impact in aviation and space.


Which is the most effective technology to decarbonize aviation: SAF, hydrogen or DACCS?

Several technologies have the potential to decarbonize aviation – sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), hydrogen, or even direct air capture with carbon storage (DACCS). However, this is not a straightforward choice: SAF faces challenges in affordability and scaling up, hydrogen requires significant changes to aircraft technologies and infrastructure, whilst DACCS is an out-of-sector solution that still relies on fossil fuels. Roland Berger and NLR team up to assess this problem holistically by analyzing the ecosystem economics and environmental lifecycle impacts of these technologies.