Speaker Details

Christian Bentheimer Fraunhofer-IISB

Christian Bentheimer

Christian is the manager of the aviation electronics workgroup at Fraunhofer IISB. He is an electrical engineer dedicated to developing wide band gap power electronic systems with the highest power densities and efficiencies. His interdisciplinary team focuses on all aspects of the high-voltage “backbone” of electrified aircraft, utilizing the institutes’ experiences from compact power electronic components to MW-scale energy distribution. The latest research work focuses on the development of cryogenic inverter drive systems.


Overview of clean aviation projects and deep-dive HeDrive project

The presentation will offer an overview of clean aviation projects with Fraunhofer IISB participation. Project Newborn focuses on the development and demonstration of the TRL 4 ground demonstrator of a complete propulsion system using 1MW fuel cell modules for electricity generation. Project Amber research efforts will lead to tests of a ground-mounted rig that combines a megawatt-class electric motor driven by hydrogen fuel cells. Project HyPoTraDE will design, assemble and ground-test a set of 500kW modular fuel cell battery hybrid electric DEP powertrain architectures. The HeDrive project: presentation of the demonstrator of a fail-redundant 700kW electric helicopter propulsion system.