Speaker Details

Christian Grim Bosch General Aviation Technology GmbH

Christian Grim

Christian Grim has over 15 years experience in aviation and automotive industry with strong focus on aviation specific quality management and quality assurance processes in small and large general and commercial aviation companies. Christian, born in Vienna, Austria, finished his study in the field of production- and process management, summa cum laude at the University of Applied Science Wiener Neustadt (AT). In his diploma thesis prior his study he addressed problems about engine test bench constructions and supplemented later his master theses about aviation specific quality assurance processes and methods for broached grooves in safety critical applications with tactile and optical measurement systems. After education Christian developed his aviation expertise in the area of quality assurance / quality management at MTU Aero Engines, Diamond Aircraft Industries finally taking over Head of Quality Control position at Austro Engine taking over a key position for the organizational and product relevant certification steps. After six years as Senior Quality Manager at Bosch General Aviation Technology he phases out of the aviation industry to become Senior Sales Manager in Automotive Industry. Christian is General Manager of Bosch General Aviation Technology GmbH, Vienna, Austria and also member of the Board of Management of Bosch Aviation Technology LLC, Novi, US and passionate about future sustainable aviation.


Proven automotive-based solutions as enablers for sustainable, safe and secure aerospace

Zero-emission mobility as a common goal across industry – whether on the road, in the air or in space – motivates us to develop advanced automotive-based solutions for the future of mobility. In the area of propulsion, the presentation focuses on the impact of advanced powertrain technologies (hybrid, hydrogen, electric) in the mobility future. Beyond the powertrain-proven industry solutions from components, technologies and engineering, the presentation will share Bosch's experience and expertise of security and safety-related products and services for aerospace. Bosch believes that it is key to utilize synergies across industries to speed up and enable the technological transition.