Speaker Details

Evgeni Ganev EMPS Consulting LLC

Evgeni Ganev

Dr Ganev is CEO of Electromechanical Power Systems (EMPS) Consulting. His main interest is the electrification of the aerospace industry, focused on the powertrain of electric and hybrid propulsion platforms. He has 40 years of engineering experience, 30 of which were with Honeywell Aerospace as chief engineer for EMPS. Dr Ganev's expertise includes power generation, electric drives and electromechanical actuators including aircraft architectures, platforms: F-22, F-35, ISS, space shuttle, Predator, FCS, B737, B777, A380, A350, eTaxi/A320 and NG Jammer. Dr Ganev has given numerous papers, and speeches, and holds more than 50 US patents. He is an active member of AIAA, IEEE, SAE and ASTM and has received many awards including the SAE Charles Manly.


Electrified aircraft entry into service acceleration

Targeted entry into service (EIS) for different classes of vehicles will be projected along with the performance requirements needed to be achieved. Various obstacles for a speedy EIS will be analyzed. Based on the latest technical achievements, methodologies will be presented for rapid acceleration. Faster TRL progress, analysis, design, testing, fabrication, certification and infrastructure will be proposed. New tools using artificial intelligence and machine learning will be introduced. Autonomous vehicle function will be addressed as a provision for time saving. Hardware-in-the-loop will be included as well. Conclusions and recommendations for a faster EIS will be stated.