Speaker Details

Rukshan Navaratne Cardiff University

Rukshan Navaratne

Rukshan Navaratne obtained his PhD in aerospace engineering at Cranfield University and currently works as a reader, leading aerospace propulsion research at Cardiff University. Before joining academia, he spent much of his career working as an engineer, project manager and senior executive in the aerospace industry. His current research focuses on the development of hybrid propulsion systems for aerospace applications. Navaratne a use variety of numerical and experimental tools and techniques to develop propulsion technologies from initial conception through increasing levels of technology readiness with a constant view toward commercialization and real-world use. He is a consultant to several local and international organizations.


Hybrid electric propulsion systems test aircraft (HEPSTA)

Fuel cell systems provide a zero-emission solution for aircraft propulsion. To assure safe and reliable fuel cell operation in aircraft, system testing has to be conducted under realistic operating conditions. Therefore the HESPTA has been developed as a flying testbed to provide a system carrier for time- and cost-effective airborne fuel cell system testing. In this keynote presentation the test platform HEPSTA will be described with the new fuel cell system generation and latest results, comprising laboratory measurements and insights on the system design, especially focusing on the concept of hybridization for power optimization and system reliability.