Products On Show

Test and certify controllers of more-electric and eVTOL aircraft

Speedgoat’s real-time controls testing solution is the ideal platform for development and commissioning of aerospace systems. It enables users to test and validate more-electric and eVTOL aircraft controllers within a single, fully integrated development platform based on model-based design (MBD) workflow. Simulink and Speedgoat test systems foster requirements-based testing and allow compliance with the most common certification workflows for validating functions and safety, such as DO-254 and DO-178. Developers can begin modeling aircraft using Simulink and Simscape and seamlessly deploy these models onto a Speedgoat test system to test the controllers. Engineers benefit from modular and scalable Speedgoat test systems that integrate a wide range of I/O, protocols and signal conditioning modules to accommodate their signals at the desired level and format.

Leading aerospace solution providers increasingly use Speedgoat test systems as: an iron bird, emulating signals such as airspeed, barometric altitude, angle of attack (AoA) and control forces to test full authority digital engine controller (FADEC) for aircraft; battery cell emulators (BCE) to test onboard battery management system (BMS) control algorithms, which include state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH) estimation under normal and fault conditions; controller prototypes for designing new aircraft controls.

Booth: 106

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