Products On Show

Scaling up fuel cell systems for hard-to-abate transportation applications
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

The low power density and inefficiency of current fuel cell systems present significant challenges in the context of aircraft propulsion. DLR is developing solutions to overcome these obstacles, facilitating the successful integration of fuel cells into aircraft. The company’s work is grounded in experimentation, focusing on the upscaling and operational performance of fuel cell systems. In DLR’s largest experimental setup, called BALIS, the firm validated MW-class components and developed operating strategies for critical conditions, such as take-off and hot-and-high scenarios. The datasets gained from these experiments feed into DLR’s proprietary software tools. One of these is the Airfox, which can size fuel cell systems for various aircraft. Through the results of this sizing process, DLR can analyze the impact of the fuel cell system on the design of the entire aircraft.

Booth: 146

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