Speaker Details

Michael Kyriakopoulos European Commission

Michael Kyriakopoulos

Dr. Michael Kyriakopoulos serves the European Commission, as Senior Expert and contributes in setting the European Aviation Research Policy in DG Research and Innovation. Michael is responsible for the definition and planning of EU aviation R&I Work Programmes and their oversight within Horizon Europe. Prior to the European Commission, DG R&I, Michael worked for the (Royal) Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), the Westinghouse Electric Company and the Institute for Advanced Materials of the Joint Research Centre.


European hybrid and electric aviation research within Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is a €100bn EU framework program for research and innovation for the period 2021-2027. It aims to build a knowledge- and innovation-driven society and competitive economy and additionally contribute to sustainable development in the important, high-tech aviation sector. Europe’s aviation sector continues its resilient and pioneering spirit as it leads the world’s transportation system into its new era of great transformation. The presentation will provide a holistic view of past, present and future research and innovation activities in the area of hybrid and electric aviation. It will also address relevant Horizon Europe programs, their results and the funding opportunities that have synergies with and impact on aviation research.